Emily Tucker

Happy April

Emily TuckerComment

Hey its April! How did that happen?

Check out that cute computer background 

What's up?

-Unfortunately its been a little slow around here (in blogger-land) but hopefully thats due to it being really busy (in real life). Also I've been taking a lot of thoughtful thinking time about the direction and content of  this little blog & shop.

-I have an almost 9 month old :( and only 3 months to plan a fabulous 1st birthday par-tay.. Theme decided and a few details too but its time to get workin'. She's getting too big and less baby-like!

-Church Garage & Bake sale and Homeschool conference all in one day- should be interesting to see how I juggle that one ;)

-April 28th I'm hosting an (in)RL meet-up at our home and I'm super excited to fellowship, watch the speakers, snack and party with new and old friends. 

Busy month but lots of fun ahead!

xo- emily