Emily Tucker

Weekend Links

Emily TuckerComment

I'm super excited for all that awaits me at the moment. This week was my last at work, we recently made the decision that I don't want to get to the point where I am a burden to the others  there (I worked at Starbucks, shorter shifts but its still a fast-paced on your feet non-stop job). This turn of events couldn't have come at a better time as Hayden had 2 nights this week where her schedule has been completely off, i.e. waking up in the middle of the night and staying up till 4 or so. Usually its from teething or growth spurts but we shall see... Here are some fun things I've found or have been thinking about this week.


- I am still in love with doing

Project Life

but I am really wanting to start a monthly scrapbooking group to do Project Life with. I get even more creative and excited when I craft with others and you can't beat the fellowship of other crafters. I love that Project Life is really whatever you want it to be: simple/intricate, daily/weekly/monthly.  I'm a little behind from last year but hope to finish it up soon & will be starting my 2013 album too. Plus making baby books for my little boos. Here is a little video about Project Life...


- Make




together plus your favorite side dish and you seriously won't regret it. Bonus: you can double the shredded chicken in your crock pot to freeze for other dishes or for a repeat another night.